• 2066
  • 30/03/2022

304 (1.4301) Stainless Steel

This stainless steel quality is one of the most preferred stainless grades due to its easy availability in the market, easy shaping and easy welding. The corrosion resistance of materials of this quality is higher than 303 quality stainless steels. 304 quality stainless is included in the group of eustenitic stainless steels.

304 quality stainless steel is the most widely used stainless steel in the world. In addition to its ease of production, its ability to be used in different ways in many environments is the reason why this quality stainless steel is the most common stainless steel in the world.

Even if it is not suitable for extremely harsh environments, 304 quality stainless, which is one of the most superior stainless grades in terms of price-performance under standard conditions, has become a part of daily life, especially with its use in almost every field in daily life.

Usage areas

304 stainless steel, one of the most common stainless steel grades; It is frequently used in various fields such as chemistry, petrochemistry, household appliances, industrial kitchens, automotive supply industry, food industry and so on. This quality is the most frequently used stainless steel quality in the world and is preferred in many environments because it is very reasonable in terms of price-performance.

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